34-20 31st Street, Astoria, NY 11106

Telephone: 718.361.5555

Email: omega@omegabrokerage.com

Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM

"My job is to take care of my customers, if they have a problem so do I."

- Stavroula, Office Manager

Insurance Brokerage

Our Vision

Omega Brokerage | Established 1976

Innovation and strategic thinking define our approach in fulfilling and servicing our clients insurance needs.  Omega EMS Brokerage, Inc. is a New York State licensed insurance brokerage company which places insurance for:

  • Taxi medallions
  • Other for-hire vehicles
  • Limousines
  • Automobiles
  • Black Cars
  • Residential and commercial property


Our professionals communicate on our client’s behalf with insurance companies to meaningfully address and resolve particular risks.  We remain actively involved with each personal insurance account by tracking payments, updating information and consulting on changes. In particular, for our taxi and for-hire vehicle clients, who operate within a time sensitive framework, we respect that by promptly obtaining:

  • FH1s
  • Motor Vehicle Reports
  • Certificates of Liability
  • Driver Changes on Insurance Policies